At Winston Heat Treating, we are dedicated to our overall quality program and ensuring that all of our capabilities adhere to the highest possible standards. Our team is focused on customer satisfaction through the continued improvement of our processes through our adherence and accreditation of ISO 9001:2015, AS9100D and NADCAP.
Winston’s Quality Assurance Team and entire staff is dedicated to continuous improvement and meeting your specifications. Whether you require certifications, furnace charts, or microsections, our quality department is there to validate compliance.
We are registered in recognition of a quality management system demonstrated in conformance with ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100D.
In accordance with SAE Aerospace Standard AS7003, to the revision in effect at the time of the audit, we are certified by the authority of the Nadcap.
We are a proud member of The Metal Treating Institute.
We are a member and an advocate of Dayton Region Manufacturers Association.
Winston’s Quality Policy:
“We are a service business whose existence depends on our ability to meet or exceed customer expectations of us.
We pursue customer satisfaction through continuing improvement at all levels, including a precise and evolving quality system of written procedures that assure conformance to customer specifications.
We are committed to providing the highest levels of quality and service to our customers to ensure their success, and ultimately, the safety and satisfaction of the end user as well.”
Winston’s Quality Objectives:
“Maintain less than 1% scrap, non-conforming material and operator errors.”